Wednesday, April 22, 2009


This morning I was reading a blog that I have followed for awhile now, and read a post that truely disturbed me. The blog writter had been informed that someone else was coping her blog posts, changing a few details and posting as their own. Taking experiences they had not had, posting feelings that were not theirs-basically stealing someone elses life so to speak. Why would someone do that? Why would they profess to be what they are not. It seems that almost daily I am shocked at dishonesty in the world around us. At work we are constantly shaking our heads and saying "We would never think of doing that!" I guess I am abit naive, because I would never think of doing alot of things. It seems that so much that is good in the world has been lost. I really do feel sad for people that have to steal words from others in order to feel value in themselves!

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