Wednesday, August 19, 2009


I thought I had better put up pictures of the other girls too. They had so much fun. In fact Ivy asked if we could camp overnight by the lake. That will have to wait until next year.


Sage loved to sit on her towel and watch her sisters play in the water. Isn't it funny how 3 girls in the same family can have such different attitudes about water. Ivy is a fish. She should have been born with gills! Jade is ok with water, but likes getting out to play, then back in, then out. Sage on the other hand, will get wet up to her knees. Even when we put the pool up in the back yard, she will get in, stand there for a minute, then get out. So this picture is soooo Sage. She has to make sure the blanket is spread out, and no one better mess it up!