Wednesday, April 22, 2009


This morning I was reading a blog that I have followed for awhile now, and read a post that truely disturbed me. The blog writter had been informed that someone else was coping her blog posts, changing a few details and posting as their own. Taking experiences they had not had, posting feelings that were not theirs-basically stealing someone elses life so to speak. Why would someone do that? Why would they profess to be what they are not. It seems that almost daily I am shocked at dishonesty in the world around us. At work we are constantly shaking our heads and saying "We would never think of doing that!" I guess I am abit naive, because I would never think of doing alot of things. It seems that so much that is good in the world has been lost. I really do feel sad for people that have to steal words from others in order to feel value in themselves!

Monday, April 20, 2009


Last night, just as Forrest was dozing in his chair, Michael woke him with the words, Dad, the fire alarm at the High School is going off. Well, I am sure he said it with a bit more enthusiasim, but he got the desired effect. Forrest and Michael were out the door before the city fire alarm went off. After dropping Michael at the fire station so he could get his gear, Forrest was off to the High School. I, of course, was sound asleep upstairs until Bekka called MOM, the High School is on fire, As you can imagine, that brought me straight out of bed. An hour and a half later Forrest returned. There was no fire, but there was plenty of water. It seems that 4 guys playing basketball in the new gym (which really is not new anymore) hit one of the sprinklers on the ceiling. Of course the sprinkler broke, setting off the fire alarm. By the time they got the water shut off there was about 2-3 inches of water covering the gym floor. That is alot of Water! So out came the brooms and squiggies to get as much of the water up. GEE, will the insurance pay for water damage caused by a stray basketball?? That sure gives new meaning to the words "Lucky Shot!"