Friday, December 5, 2008


On Wednesday, Forrest decided to have Bekka straighten his hair. Let me give you all some advice. If ever you decide on such action, listen to the one that knows when she says "Dad, it is time to rinse your hair out". There is a reason for such words, which, by the way, he did not heed. 10 minutes later he consented to rinse out his hair. All was well, untill the next afternoon at play rehearsal. Bekka got severl messages from him, Urgent-come to the high school. When she got there, he reached up, ran his fingers through his hair, and came away with a handful of hair. Yup, if you don't rinse out in time, all your hair falls out. So yes, now dad is bald (as a billiard ball) and cold! :) The moral of this story is- Listen to those who know what they are talking about. Pictures to follow when I return from St. George.