Those who know me know that genealogy has been my passion (or dare I say addiction) for over 30 years, and in all those years of researching and Temple work I have never had as wonderful an experince within Temple walls as I did this past Saturday. March 20, 2010 is the day that I, with my 2 sisters, entered the Temple to be sealed to our desceased parents. How can I describe the joy that this one event has brought to me. When I was attending Dixie College, almost all my friends had something I did not. They were a part of an Eternal Family. Knowing that I did not have that made such an impression on me that it started me on my quest of doing genealogy, to find my ancestors, so that I would have an Eternal Family, even though for many years there was a link missing. Even after being sealed to my sweetheart, there was still a link missing. Now that link is there. I can not even describe the feelings that I had Saturday. What a wonderful day. Thank you to all who were there and helped make the day perfect!